Pigskin Particulars: 7 Tips for a Spectacular Super Bowl!


With the biggest game of the year exactly one week away, Super Bowl Party Planning is in full swing. While a TV and some pizza will certainly get the job done, why not inject a little pep into your rally with these ideas, sure to get your guests pumped.


1. While beer is generally a given, try doing something a little different, with signature cocktails in each teams colors. This year, we're doing The Raven - a purple and white creation with vodka, blackberries and lemonade - and the 49er - a crimson-hued kick in the mouth that mixes bourbon, dry vermouth and Campari.  Try rimming your 49er glass with gold sugar for an extra aesthetic punch.

1.5 oz Russian Standard Vodka
5 blackberries
3 oz Lemonade

Muddle four blackberries in bottom of a tumbler.  

Add ice, Vodka and lemonade.  
Garnish with remaining blackberry.

1 oz. Bourbon
.75 Oz Dry Vermouth
.75 Oz Campari
Stir ingredients with ice.
Strain into a cocktail glass.


 2.  Speaking of beer, why not encourage your guests to support their team's cities with beer brewed in Baltimore and San Francisco.  Check out beeradvocate.com for brands.


3. Stay true to football form with finger foods.  Think meatball sliders, sliced kielbasa or mini wieners with mustard, buffalo wings, and football shaped pizza pockets.  Put out toothpick pennants for guests to nosh with. 

I absolutely ADORE this helmet inspired melon bowl!
4.  Don't forget to put out some (mildly) healthful food as well.  Veggie plates and fruit platters are easy pickin's for those with an eye toward their waistline.  

5.  Give your cheese and cracker tray a little direction with a playbook themed display.  Use a chalkboard cheese tray for your cheddar, pickles and olives as well as your Xs and Os.  

The Extras

6. To help guests remember whose drink is whose, print up some offense and defense drink tags for people to identify their bottle and glasses with.  Make sure to have tags in both colors for fans on both sides.

7.  While I love a good centerpiece, flowers don't exactly fit the bill for a hard hitting event like a football game.  Try covering your table in green cloth with yard lines marked off.  Group all things football for a sporting display - pom poms, bullhorns (make them out of colored cardstock), streamers, helmets, pennants and goal posts.  And of course any pig skins that you happen to have!

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